Taylor Fry

Dennis applies actuarial and data analytics techniques to solve complex public policy challenges across sectors such as mental health, disability, child protection and welfare.

His work enables public-sector leaders to make informed policy decisions that create meaningful improvements for society. He says:

“What excites me the most is seeing my work translate into real-world changes that make a difference in people’s lives.”

Dennis’s experience includes:

  • Conducting outcomes and economic evaluations to provide evidence on the effectiveness of programs and policies
  • Analysing large, cross-sectoral linked datasets to forecast service pathways and outcomes for children and young people in NSW
  • Undertaking workforce modelling to help government clients plan for sustainable and efficient staffing.

He also regularly conducts training on statistical and machine learning methods for internal teams and external clients.

Dennis’s Qualifications
  • Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries of Australia
  • Chartered Enterprise Risk Actuary
  • Bachelor of Actuarial Studies, UNSW

Dennis Lam’s
Areas of Expertise

Dennis Lam’s Areas of Expertise

Advanced Analytics

Own and master industry-leading analytics solutions through a creative partnership


Understanding what drives offending, and helping to prevent recidivism

Child and Family

Using data to support resilience and safety

Housing and Homelessness

Finding solutions in an increasingly challenging accommodation market

Employment and Welfare

Understanding the long-term benefits of employment and barriers for jobseekers


Measure, model and identify opportunities for better policy and programs

Data Science and Machine Learning

You don’t need to be a trailblazing tech giant to realise the power of AI

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