Climate and Sustainability

Identify, measure and manage climate risk, and capture opportunities arising from climate change

Whatever stage you’re at managing climate risk – leverage our expertise in insurance, analytics and climate risk

We help insurers, corporates and government identify, measure and manage climate risk, and capture opportunities arising from climate change.

We deliver …

  • Climate risk reviews
  • Climate scenario modelling
  • Climate risk management aligned with international and
    Australian standards.

Read more about the Advanced Analytics we provide to General InsuranceGovernment and corporate clients.

What we offer you

Climate risk review

  • Workshopped or independent high-level review of the material risks and opportunities presented by physical and transition risk
  • Industry benchmarking and competitor analysis of current processes relating to climate risk management


Climate scenario analysis
and strategy

  • Design scenarios and perform financial modelling of organisation-specific climate risks and opportunities
  • Deliver insight on metrics, monitoring and mitigation options
  • Provide strategic direction to support organisational resilience, including  identifying low carbon opportunities


Climate risk management, governance and compliance

  • Support organisations by making the best use of data to understand how climate change will impact your operations
  • Deliver tailored climate risk management and targets aligned with International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) IFRS S2, APRA guidance and other legal obligations

Tailored solutions

We design solutions to match your needs, creating a framework that integrates with your existing processes.

Our leaders in
Climate and Sustainability

Our leaders in Climate and Sustainability

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Climate and Sustainability

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